Monday, June 17, 2013

Empty Nesters.

Tamara Nugteren

Well, it's official ~ Francine and Alberto are empty nesters.

Jay and Daisy left the nest sometime this morning (Saturday) at 17 days old.  I was hoping to see them go, but it wasn't meant to be.  I could tell that it would be anytime now and we have been watching them every chance we get from our kitchen window.
For the last two days they have been actively walking around in their nest, fluffing their feathers and looking out.  (Prior to that they did nothing.)  Francine and Alberto have also been loudly encouraging them them to fly during this time.  They were frequently flying up to and around the nest - it was pretty cool to watch.

Close up of Jay and Daisy at 16 days old.
Almost ready to leave!

Jay and Daisy, as viewed through our kitchen
window - a little grainy due to the window screen.
I can't imagine if all 5 had hatched!
That would have been crowded!

The video below shows Jay and Daisy fluffing their feathers and walking around in the nest - this is their last day before flying off! 


 This video, below, shows Francine and Alberto taking turns feeding Jay and Daisy.  This was also taken on their last day on the nest.  The parents continued to fly up to and around the nest all day - I assume encouraging the little ones to come out! 

You can see two of the unhatched eggs left in
the nest after Jay and Daisy flew off.
Though we can't see Jay and Daisy anywhere, I'm sure they are close by.  We had another Finch nest last year and I was able to watch them leave the nest.  Those babies stayed in a close by bush until they were brave enough for another flight.  Their mother continued to bring them food all day in their new perches.  Such a good mother! I'm sure Francine is doing the same thing.

As soon as I have the chance I'll be moving the Finch family's nest.  I've read that as long as it is there they will come back and lay new eggs - even in the same season.  We have had a lot of fun spying on this family, but it's time to plant my Hens & Chicks (the plant - don't be confused with more birds!) before it dries out in the plastic pot I bought it in.

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