Monday, November 17, 2014

It's Soup Swap time again!

Last year's soup swap was so fun, I decided to try it again.

Like last time, the soup swap was an add-on to our monthly Bunco - those who wanted to participate just came a little early.  Some of the same cooks as last year and some new ones as well!

What is a soup swap?  It's just like a cookie exchange, but with less guilt.  ;-)
And really, so practical.  Cookies are fantastic - but they are an indulgence.  Soup - well, that is just dinner that someone else cooked for me.  Who doesn't like that?

This year there were eight of us participating, so that means we each took home seven different types of  frozen, homemade soup.  Each take-home container is one-quart.  Now, I know one of these quarts isn't enough to feed a family - but it will feed my husband and I whilst the kiddos have canned chicken noodle (their preference anyway).  Or, it will feed just me 2-3 times for lunch.  I like that option, too.
A third option for a family is to serve up two of the varieties at the same time.
Anyway you serve it up, mama's happy.

To add to the fun, there is a prize ($10 gift card) awarded to the "best dressed" soup. Lots of contenders this year!  Several beautiful soups and even one batch (Chili) decorated by lovely little Maisie (Mine said "It's been a bit chili lately…).  If you look closely at the pictures, you'll see Kristin's soup has make-up on the top.   Why? (We all wanted to know.)  Apparently, in the front of her mom's old Betty Crocker or Pillsbury cookbook, there were several pages dedicated to the proper way to look beautiful and be prepared for your husband's homecoming from work and dinner being served.  Ah-ha-ha! Not quite the way in goes in my house, but the story was fantastic.

In the end, the prize went to Camille's Chicken Tortilla Soups all decorated up for a fiesta.
No, that isn't canned soup you see peeking out of the bag.
That is the optional diced green chilies that Camille provided.
This year, our group made:
- Wild Rice Soup
- Traditional Chili
- Vegetarian Chili
- Chicken Pot Pie Soup
- Chicken Tortilla Soup
- Tomato Basil
- Butternut Squash with Coconut Curry
- Hearty Vegetable

We have already eaten one of the soups (delish!) and I'm sure I'll be thawing another for later this week.
What a treat to have on hand.  Thank you to my amazing Bunco friends!

If you want more details on how to pull of a Soup Swap of your own, I put all the directions in my post from last year.  Just click here: Soup Swap!

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